Welcome to epluribus.nz
“e Pluribus” roughly translates from Latin as “from many…” which reflects the mindset in creating this site – from many pieces of knowledge, from many points of view, from many companies.
epluribus.nz is a non-profit venture, run by volunteers.
This site will carry news and reviews of gadgets and general geekery, from the tech to the toys and everything in between.
Feel free to drop us an email with suggestions: epluribus.nz -at- gmail.com
Member of the Knock Out News Group NZ

epluribus.nz is proud to receive support from Well Above. Well Above is owned and run by Salvatore Di Muccio. It’s a full-service agency… with a difference. Why not pop over and see for yourself, visit https://wellabove.com/
Winner of the Best Media Relations Award – IT Journalism Awards (aka The Lizzies) 2019 – the pinnacle of Media Relations Awards in the technology industry.